The Bowl
{tags} advertising, look look
A Little List (and Pearl)
Friday Friday Friday! My favorite day.
Aside from being an American Mormon graduated 20-something copywriting female, who am I? Here’s a little list of some things you may not know about me:
1. I love dogs.
2. I don’t like pancakes.
3. I’ve met George W. Bush.
4. I support gay marriage (a post on that later).
5. I lived in Tagu, South Korea as a little girl.
6. I’ve been to six proms – for one I made a prom dress out of duct tape.
7. I wish I had majored in Geology.
8. I weigh 90 lbs.
9. I don’t like swimming, and I’m terrified of fish.
10. I’m a closet Tamagotchi fan.
Anyone else have a Pearl? Mine powered my ambitions and got me where I am today career-wise, but I sometimes feels like she gets first say in anything I do, and that my childlike self is dissolving. Some may call this growing up, but I just fear I'm getting boring, or simply losing sight of the things I used to love.
{tags} little list, music
Portable Purple People Eater
The name change isn’t going as well as I’d like. Given that I have a limited amount of time for lunch, my dashes to the Social Security office are fruitless against the long line pouring out of there. My calls are always greeted with a busy signal or being put on hold. I’ve been married for over a year but didn’t change my name right away due to passport vs. time issues prior to leaving for Russia. But I have hope that I’ll officially be an Isaacs soon.
I have hope for other things as well.
Little List (and a song)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Edward Scissorhands, Pretty in Pink
{tags} film, little list, music
Blue jeans blue
Some of the fashion blogs I visit will maybe have one post where the author wears jeans. In their photos all their mystique and fashion awe disappears—they’re normal. I think jeans are a good tool for staying anonymous, and that’s why the war rages on: sometimes I just want to blend in, so my jeans have a spot in the closet for now. Besides, who wants to wear a dress camping?
{tags} fashion
No one belongs here more than you.
Ten True Things
The Shared Patio
{tags} books