I've been having the strange experience of receiving resumes from people older than me for a position to be, well, my assistant (not my personal assistant, but to me and my supervisor). Not only am I significantly younger than these applicants, but I'm very small and petite. I hope they don't balk at me when I interview them. We're also looking to hire writers and marketers for a new venture we're experimenting with, and again, all the applicants are older than me. And this particular venture is something I'm in charge of hiring for, so here's to hoping I'll be respected as a "boss" despite my size and age.
Eyes caught careless
Time for a normal post
Went camping this weekend, went longboarding for the first time in 2 months last night, and I read the Twilight books while sick during my days off (who knew you could write a whole series based on sexual tension? And get NO satisfying sex scene at the end? Not that I wanted heaving bosoms or to read the word "shaft," but come on: feathers? Really?) I actually really enjoyed my time reading the books, and will accept all criticism I receive for saying that. Anyone want to see Twilight 3: Secret of the Ooze with me?
I've got so much going on at work it's hard to keep up, but I'm feeling really good. The days are beautiful and summer is finally here. My brother-in-law is in town, Seve's play is in production (comment if you've seen his hair . . . or lack thereof) and I've got a two week vacation at the end of next month to look forward to.
I'm not going to pretend that I don't still feel troubled and sullen when I'm by myself with my thoughts, but I'd just like to say that I'm doing well. Thank you for all your kind comments. You guys, those I'm close with and those I've only made the acquaintance of, have been so, well, good to me. Thank you.
Why I've been gone
I think it's about time I posted on what's been going on.
These past two weeks have been the hardest of my life, and I mean that in all seriousness. I miscarried my baby, my precious baby. I know in a previous post I wrote about my fears of having a child, but never, never, never did I want this to be the remedy. And I never thought this would happen, not for a second. It never once occurred to me that anything would go wrong. After my trip to Philadelphia, I was so excited for our first ultrasound, only to find that my poor child had no heartbeat and had passed away about the same time I announced my pregnancy.
I feel like a fool for ever posting about my pregnancy online so soon, or at all. I should have used more caution, I should have at least considered the possibility of such a sad thing happening and how heart-wrenching and embarrassing it would be to have to post the worst of all retractions.
So, I thought you should all know what's been going on.
Though this time has been hard, Seve and I have been so blessed by everyone around us. I don't write much about my faith in here, and I regret that. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and my fellow Saints have done so much to help me. Many of them didn't even know what was going on, just that something had happened and they were more than willing to offer their help, their time, and their efforts to ensure I was okay.
My boss and coworkers have been amazing. My family has called me everyday. My friends have stopped by to check up on me. My husband has held me while I've cried.
Not once have I felt alone and not once have I been angry at God. I will always love this baby and I will always miss it, and the Gospel gives me the hope and understanding I need to persevere.
{tags} faith
I have my first business trip next week! I'll be conducting interviews and writing case studies, and hopefully feeling better since I'll be up and about rather than sitting at a computer all day. As sick as I feel, getting up and moving really helps . . . but sleeping feels really nice too. We're headed east, and as much as I'd like to get out on the town each night after work, I can easily see myself spending my nights crashing in my hotel room and trying my best to keep dinner down . . .