
Eyes caught careless

I've been having the strange experience of receiving resumes from people older than me for a position to be, well, my assistant (not my personal assistant, but to me and my supervisor). Not only am I significantly younger than these applicants, but I'm very small and petite. I hope they don't balk at me when I interview them. We're also looking to hire writers and marketers for a new venture we're experimenting with, and again, all the applicants are older than me. And this particular venture is something I'm in charge of hiring for, so here's to hoping I'll be respected as a "boss" despite my size and age.

If you haven't yet listened to The Decemberists Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) I highly recommend you do so now. This is my favorite song from their catalog of work, and lately I've been tempted to suggest their album The Hazards of Love as the next venture of the book club I'm a part of. Think they'll go for it?


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