
That feel

Via Twyla Tharp:


What's the dumbest idea you've ever had? Thinking I can have it all.

What's the best idea you've ever had? Thinking I can have it all.


I know what she means.


Remember that post I made on my rapid-fire music trade-ins? Lately I've been obsessing over Tom Waits, Daniel Johnston, Deer Tick, Destroyer, and a reemergence of my love for the Pixies. And I've started up a little writing project, a gift for my new husband, working title Oh My Love! Also, my Interpersonal Communications class is putting on a talent show (how fifth grade, no?) so I'll be showcasing some of my published works and offering a little five-minute reading of something funny. Either that or I'll bake something. My sister might be a professional chef, but I have my own knack for baking. I'll post some pictures later of the heart cake, cream puffs, and Valentine's Day cupcakes I made with my hubby. Life is sweet. Ha! I'm so punny. 

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