
That feel

Via Twyla Tharp:


What's the dumbest idea you've ever had? Thinking I can have it all.

What's the best idea you've ever had? Thinking I can have it all.


I know what she means.


Remember that post I made on my rapid-fire music trade-ins? Lately I've been obsessing over Tom Waits, Daniel Johnston, Deer Tick, Destroyer, and a reemergence of my love for the Pixies. And I've started up a little writing project, a gift for my new husband, working title Oh My Love! Also, my Interpersonal Communications class is putting on a talent show (how fifth grade, no?) so I'll be showcasing some of my published works and offering a little five-minute reading of something funny. Either that or I'll bake something. My sister might be a professional chef, but I have my own knack for baking. I'll post some pictures later of the heart cake, cream puffs, and Valentine's Day cupcakes I made with my hubby. Life is sweet. Ha! I'm so punny. 

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Where are you going to?

Alright, I think it's time for me to unveil my latest happy: Seve and I are going to teach English in Russia this fall. It's through the same program I went to China with, only this time I've been hired on as a Head Teacher. Which means I get to go for free, and I'm offered a stipend. As my husband, Seve goes for free too. He served his two-year mission in Ukraine (which is the reason why he's a sophomore and I'm a senior yet we're the same age) so he speaks Russian and Ukrainian fluently. We'll be teaching in either Moscow or Voronezh, and we've made special arrangements to spend an extra week in Kiev at the end, since my husband misses Ukraine like crazy. I also found out a girl I went to China with is going to Moscow as well, and my last Head Teacher and her husband might fly over for a visit since she spent two semesters there before. I'm so . . . what's the best word to choose here? Stoked? Ecstatic? Happy in general? My life has fallen into so many wonderful things these past few years, it just seems unreal.

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You're the cocaine in my veins

So I've been reflecting a lot on old goals and old things that used to matter so much to me and how they've kind of faded. I used to be so into finding and discovering and knowing and learning new music, books, art, film, travel, everything and, I don't know what happened, I don't know when that part of me trailed off. I've been trying to address depression and anxiety head on, and I've come to the conclusion that I hate my chosen career path. I mentioned in a few posts earlier my love of YA lit, and that still stands. What I mean is my major, this Communication with the Bachelor's of in front of it that I've been working towards. Publishing isn't even offered at my school, I've had to pave my own way. Which has helped me to network, but here I am, in my last semester, about to graduate and finally scraping in all those classes that I need in order to get the degree. And none of them are classes I enjoy, I'm just taking them to finish everything off. For the first time, I truly detest my semester. I have no fall -back joy-class, no side project to keep me distracted because there is no time for one this time around.

My husband is passionate and so in love with his path, I find myself growing green with envy when he talks about it. I want so much to shove all these classes aside and work on what I want to work on, which only leads me to the anger of Why did you ever sign up for a degree in which you can't get what you what? I know all this editing, journalism and advertising experience is good for me, but it's nothing that I want after I make the walk in April.

You know what I want? The new Animal Collective album. To write the last two novels I outlined for "future completion." To move back to Portland, or just somewhere completley new. To have an interest graphic design again.

I shouldn't complain. Things are actually going really well.

I just wish whatever creative rocketship I was on three years ago would come back into my orbit. I mean, I don't even own a lomo camera. How behind am I?  

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This is the first day of my life



On the coldest, windiest day ever, I declared my love eternal. In the beautiful Lubbock, Texas Temple. Really, how can I describe my wedding day in a blog?  

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