
New Blog

I'm excited about writing in here. I haven't blogged in a few years and I never took it very seriously; but now I just want to have fun with it. Write some thorough, witty entries and let my friends know what I'm really up to. I can't wait to hand out some invitations, though I fear most of my buddies aren't the blogging type. Maybe they'll surprise me.

I'm going to take this opportunity to state that, like most blogs, this will probably be filled with bad grammer, awkward train of thought, and whatever mistakes spell-check doesn't pick up. But who cares, right?

I saw The Illusionist recently and loved it, but the ending didn't come as a surprise to me because I had already read the short story it's based on in Zoetrope: All Story, a high-class quarterly lit-mag of short stories. I love short stories. They are little literary gems that I can take in under a half hour and keep with me the rest of my life. They refresh my day and jumpstart my imagination better than any novel, simply becasue of the way they are packaged. And while I loved The Illusionist and the story it was based on, I must say that in the story there is only a single sentence mentioning a romance (one that didn't work out). The story was more about his magic, and the dark mysteries of it.The film blows up a deeply-rooted romance all over the screen, making it the core of the plot. Not that anything is wrong with that. The love scene was pretty hot. 

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rc5014 said...

welcome to the neighborhood

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