
Le Artiste

Seve got me some watercolors and new brushes, and I couldn't be happier.

My attempt at drawing hands based on Love, Sweet Love by Caitlin Shearer. Not very successful!

 For some reason I draw veeery tiny; this last drawing was near microscopic.


Anonymous said...

wowza. these are cool. when i was little, after i read indian in the cupboard i always tried to draw microscopic.

Liz said...

Lovely lovely! More more please.

Rachael said...


McKenzie said...

its cause you draw in your size, its jules size drawing. and its dang good!

Jen said...

Dude you can draw.

Carianne Hoshiko Hirano said...

Wow Jules, you are probably one of the most creative people I know. When we were in Russia it was amazing to me how quickly you put together that Frankenstein bean bag toss, pretty talented. Question, I was wondering where you learned how to do html stuff for your blog. Did you look at any tutorials or was it just from schooling, or because you are also gifted at that?! Haha, let me know because I want to learn more about it! Thanks!

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