
Little List (let's get lost)

As you all know, life is crazy and busy and crazy and busy. Here are some things putting me at ease lately:

1. My new headphones!
2. Bombay Bicycle Club
3. The Hunger Games (who else has read this? SO GOOD. Mockingjay out next month!)
4. Interviews at work end this week - and to accommodate the new hires we'll be moving to the rockin' corner office! You have to see this place. Windows galore. I might actually feel inclined to decorate.
5. Knowing Seve will be done with his play on Saturday and then the rest of the summer will be dedicated to long, beautiful, unadulterated Seve + Jules time. Can you imagine? Longboarding, camping, Netflix, taco vans, Texas . . . caaan't wait!


Carrie Lynn said...

Hunger Games = best. Have you pre-ordered mocking jay on amazon? It will only be like $9

Jeffrey said...

Sick headphones.

I hope your boss thinks I'm cool.

Mother in Zion said...

Hunger Games is awesome! Albeit a little violent. Still awesome!

Same for Catching Fire.

And Gregor the Overlander.

And I wanted to comment on your last post but had to attend to the children...thanks for the link! Also, YES! Write! I want to start an online writer's group because my closest current writing buddy is moving away. Want to play?

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