
Let's get some models for wives

Long time no write! I've been experimenting with a few blogs lately, but none seem to stick with me. I remembered this one and thought I'd give it a go. And my keyboard is magically working again so the task of typing isn't so hazardous to my health.

What can I say? I'm back from China, I've got a new hairdo, I'm back at Rexburg, I've got a new Gwen-inspired layout (guilt-free, I might add) and I've been dating like crazy. I only mention that because my first year here I dated zero-zip after my broken engagement, but now I'm back on my two romantic feet. I made a resolution to date more this year and so far it's gone a little too well. I'm off the dating deep-end and getting sick of it. I just want to find my one and only and stick with him. Though a free meal every weekend has had its perks.

Oh, and how was China? How can I summarize an entire five months in a single sentence? How about "Dang, this sleeper bus got no shocks," or "I just ate an entire dog," or "You mean you have five kids?" or "Jerry, stop it!" I taught English, remember? It's my kids I miss the most.

In Mormon news, I got my temple recommend and have made it a goal to attend once a week. I've made a lot of goals this year and have actually stuck with them. Crazy, huh? Usually they slide right out from under me after two weeks, but so far, life is sweet and looking up in the beautiful dedication I've discovered I can manage.

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